
Customized Performance Coaching for Life and Business

I offer personalized coaching for people that have worked so hard to get to where they are now, but feel stuck, stalled, unfulfilled or wanting something they question they can have now.

My clients are high-achieving individuals, often parents balancing work and family life, who want to work to live, not live to work.  Before they had kids—or reached other life milestones that dramatically shifted their day-to-day lives—they were satisfied with their professional growth, but now, there simply isn’t enough time…but they still want to advance their business or careers.

If you find yourself staring down this same roadblock, it’s time for a shift. It’s time to reframe your perspective, reprogram your mindset and reimagine your approach to work and life. Your needs aren’t the same as they were 10 years ago, so it’s unlikely you can meet them with the strategies that worked 10 years ago. As Albert Einstein said, “you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”

Here’s the good news: you don’t need to sacrifice your “successful” career to be a fully present parent. You also don’t need to sacrifice living your best family life to achieve your career goals. You truly can “have it all” —but because that’s not the “default,” we need to do some reprogramming and restrategizing. That’s what our relationship is all about. As we work together, you’ll see a clear path forward, away from feeling stuck and toward a happier, healthier, more fulfilled you.

Choose Your Path with Our Performance Coaching Packages

What's Next

Photo by Emma Simpson

You’re not sure which job is next for you, but you know the one you have isn’t making you happy. Maybe you need a slight shift from where you are today or maybe you need a big change. Maybe you don’t think that what you want/need exists.

We’ll work through multiple exercises to clarify what you really want, what’s in the way and the manageable steps you can take next to get there. Even more, you’ll feel empowered and excited to execute the next step in your career. This execution will bring you the happiness and fulfillment you’ve been missing.

Get Going

You just took a job or started a business that feels right, but also feels scary. You’re confident, but you also don’t want to fail. You have time, but you don’t have enough time. You may have or need resources, but you’re not sure how to maximize those resources. You know what you need to do, but at times it feels like more than you can handle.

You need a partner who gets start-up life, corporate life and home life; someone who can keep you focused, confident and energized. You need someone who’s invested in your happiness and will help you fulfill your purpose. That’s me.

Level Up

Different Kinds of Coaching; Business Coach, Performance Coach, Life Coach by Jamie Braunstein BRIJ Solutions
You’ve created a business that clearly has legs. The business is now big enough where you need a bigger team, more processes and a clear strategy to take it to the next level. You have the vision of how to grow the business, but you don’t have time to get the whole vision on paper.

You need a business and life-minded partner to be your sounding board, to help you prioritize and strategize, and to share honest feedback. Even more, you need an accountability partner who gets the demands of work and life, has a gift for inspiring people to find ways to succeed, and will keep you moving toward your goals even when you fall off-track.

In each of the above packages, you’ll get:

Clarity of direction (including goals, purpose, value)

Execution plan to achieve your goals and live your values
Accountability partner to keep you focused and pushing forward
Life skills and perspective to build confidence in your decisions and positions
Improved time management and prioritization skills
Confidence in using what you know, recognizing what you don’t know, and sticking with the actions you choose
Increased ability to lead and inspire others who can and want to help you
Sounding board to help you sort out all your thoughts, to-dos, wishes and more – think strategy, planning, execution, process
Templates for you and your team to solve obstacles faster and with more confidence (e.g. goals template, to do template, referral list template, org chart template, roles and responsibilities template, project plan template)
Insightful feedback and a relatable perspective

Join our Transformative Group Coaching Sessions

We understand the challenges of balancing a demanding career with a desire for a fulfilling personal life. Our live group courses are designed to help you find balance, reduce stress, and approach life with greater mindfulness and joy. We’re always eager to hear your ideas, so please share your course suggestions through our survey. Within our supportive community, you’ll gain valuable insights from lessons, exercises, and group discussions. Join us for a transformative experience that will leave you with renewed confidence and the tools to navigate life more effortlessly.

Empower BRIJ With Your Input

Photo by Emma Simpson

Shape the Future of Group Coaching

As BRIJ continues to evolve, we’re committed to crafting group coaching experiences that resonate with you. Your valuable perspective can guide us in creating sessions that truly meet your needs.

Are you ready to influence the future of our group offers? We’re eager to learn what topics ignite your curiosity and drive your growth. Your voice matters.

Here’s your chance to shape the direction we take. Our team is working on a range of course titles, and we’d love your input. Please fill out the form below.  Feel free to select the options that resonate or share your thoughts on other subjects that resonate on a personal and professional level.

Vision Board Workshop

Photo by Emma Simpson
Unleash Your 3 Year Clarity

Uncover the true significance of vision boards, transforming them from distant dreams to actionable, short-term roadmaps.

Our workshop will guide you through easy steps, even if you’re not artistically inclined, to create a vision board that aligns with your life in the next 3 years. We’ll provide you with thought-provoking questions and expert guidance to help you gain clarity, especially if you’re juggling many priorities. In a relaxed and supportive environment, surrounded by supplies, quotes, and inspiration, you’ll craft a tangible representation of your aspirations. Take your vision board home to remind yourself daily of what you want, where you’re headed, and why it all matters.

Success Redefined After Burnout

Photo by Emma Simpson

Breaking Free From Burnout

Explore an empowering course designed for those who’ve strived to succeed, only to find themselves trapped in burnout. If you’re yearning for a fulfilling life that harmonizes career achievements with personal aspirations, or seeking equilibrium as a devoted parent, this course offers invaluable guidance.

Uncover the root causes of burnout and gain fresh perspectives that ignite authentic transformation. Guided by Einstein’s wisdom – “you cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it” – you’ll embark on a journey to reframe your perspective, reprogram your mindset, and reimagine your approach to work and life. Step into a future where you’re empowered to redefine success on your terms, fostering a life of purpose and fulfillment.

Stay informed about future programs

“If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll end up someplace else.” ~ Yogi Berra

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