Vision Board Workshop

Unleash your 3 year clarity

Next Workshop: April 2nd, 7-9pm
Or Choose to stay informed for future opportunities

Do you find yourself caught in the daily grind, with little time to focus on what will make you more fulfilled?

Experience what it’s like to productively take a step back to create a tangible representation of what you’d love to achieve in the next 3 years

Ready to join the workshop and unlock your 3 year clarity?

Here’s what to expect:

A new found ability to clearly see what you want… in the first 45 minutes of the workshop you’ll see how the right atmosphere, community, lessons and GUIDANCE will help you see and understand what you really want.

Everything you need at your fingertips… No artistic skills required! All you need is a desire to be inspired by images, words, quotes, and more. Then we make it EASY to make use of the glue, scissors, markers and friends to bring your vision board to life.

2 insanely productive and enjoyable hours… think of this as not just a night out, but also your ticket to the clarity and focus that will inevitably SAVE YOU TIME moving forward.

What awaits you?



Gain clarity and direction for the next 3 years


Understand the power of seeing (vs just thinking about) your goals

Actionable Strategies

Learn practical techniques to balance your priorities.


Vision Board

Craft a visual representation of your aspirations

It’s time to unlock what you REALLY want in the near future

Join me to unlock your 3 year clarity with a Vision Board – a game changing tool to help you accelerate your path forward.

Discover the secrets of why this practical tool works and how it can serve as a powerful ally in clarifying your aspirations, setting meaningful goals, and taking tangible steps toward the life you desire in the near future.

You can dive into an immersive experience (on April 2nd) or you can choose to stay informed about future opportunities on this topic.

About Me

Hi, I’m Jamie, a proud mom of two, an avid athlete, a committed professional, and someone who deeply values connecting with and enjoying time with friends and family. To me, life is not about choosing between work and personal fulfillment—it’s about creating a life that celebrates both!

My background spans from dynamic startups to powerhouses like Disney and ESPN. My journey from leading teams and projects in high-stakes environments to becoming a dedicated performance coach has been fueled by a singular passion: unlocking the potential within people and businesses.

My expertise lies not just in strategy or execution, but in my unique ability to inspire clarity, confidence, and purpose in those around me. Accredited in business and performance coaching, I combine my love for leadership with my skills in empathy, curiosity, and efficiency to not only achieve goals but to surpass them with energy and quality.

Navigating the transition from corporate excellence to coaching, I’ve honed a knack for helping skeptics turn into believers—guiding them through their blocks with a blend of business acumen and a reprogrammed mindset. This isn’t about making do with what you have; it’s about maximizing what we can achieve together.

It’s your choice on how or when to make a change. Start now by clicking one of the options below…

Because your visions deserve to be lived, not just dreamed. Let’s BRIJ the gap between vision and reality!

Stay informed about future programs

“If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll end up someplace else.” ~ Yogi Berra

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