BRIJ’s Solutions Articles

Mastering the Art of Not Taking Things Personally: 7 Key Steps to Freedom
Our minds are meaning-making machines. It’s naturally wired into us. And while that meaning-making...

How to know the right kind of coach for you: Business Coach, Life Coach, Performance Coach?
I’m not a life coach. I’m a performance coach. Well, to put it more accurately, I am a life...

The Most Effective Ways to Redirect Your Wandering Mind
Your mind’s job is to think and protect you. It doesn’t stop, and it’s unrealistic to think it...

3 Lessons To Drive Meaningful Change
As a Strategic Leader with almost 2 decades of experience working with major organizations, I’ve...

Right Now, are you Really the Person you Want to Be?
If you’re a parent, you know what it’s like to have somebody else’s needs take up about 95% of...

Why I love Type A Clients
My secret sauce is that I know how to get successful, Type A people open up and get serious about...

This mid life crisis thing is real
I made it! And what a journey it’s been. Today, I’m living the lifestyle my past self hoped for....