Struggling with the demands of parenting, work and more?


Save the Date: Monthly (Starting January 2025)
Event Time: Weekday Evening
Venue Details: Ardsley, NY

Step onto the BRIJ and start your journey
towards a more mindful, resilient, and joyful life!

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BRIJ To Mindfulness Form


 Join us for this Monthly Mindful Meetup

designed to help you thrive.

This series, co-hosted by Jamie and Rachel, is for those juggling the demands of parenting, work, and more.

If you’re curious about discovering new ways to cultivate mindfulness and resilience, while connecting with others in similar situations, this series is tailor-made for you!

These Mindful Meetups will provide a chance to connect with the community, learn mindful strategies and elevate yourself to manage stress and enhance joy in everyday life.

We’re testing session formats and locations in 2024 but aim to formally launch this monthly meetup in January 2025.

Let us know (via the form above) if you’d like to be a part of building a supportive community that thrives on learning and growing together in mindfulness.

Stay informed about future programs

“If you don’t know where you’re going you’ll end up someplace else.” ~ Yogi Berra

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